
Coming Soon: BioClair Digestive Enzymes

March 23, 2017 - 12:05pm

We have just signed a manufacturing contract to deliver thousands of indigo blue glass bottles, each containing 90 capsules, of our new product:  BioClair Digestive Enzymes.  We have spent years developing this unique formula.  It is a “Coca-Cola” recipe, never to be changed.  It has been approved by Health Canada, NPN 80062238.  See https://health-products.canada.ca/lnhpd-bdpsnh/info.do?licence=80062238.  In addition, BioClair Digestive Enzymes are patent protected.

Primarily, the purpose of BioClair Digestive Enzymes is to serve as a digestive aid.  Due to strict regulations, we can't really say what it does, beyond what Health Canada has approved for us to put on the label.  But what we can say:  many who have tried it have experienced profound results.   Once the product is available, we will advise you through our Clarity Radio broadcast.

On a personal note, we are making this product available to you to help you, members of your family, your friends, your co-workers and maybe a stranger that you meet who is complaining of digestive discomfort.  We believe that this will be a product that many of you will put in your purse or in a container, which will travel with you wherever you go.  It will become part of who you are.  Like the saying goes:  don't leave home without it.  

This product has been carefully discerned, using my scientific gift of discernment, to help adults.  It is not a product to be given to children.  Health Canada has approved that BioClair Digestive Enzyme capsules can be taken in the correct dosage by individuals 18 years of age or older, subject to the Cautions and Warnings expressed on this webpage below, on the label of our product, and on the Health Canada webpage concerning BioClair Digestive Enzymes (link above).  

Keep in mind, this product may not work for everyone, as there may be a medical reason why it doesn’t work for you.  If this is the case, you should seek advice from your licensed medical practitioner.  At the same time, if it doesn’t work for you, it doesn’t mean it won’t work for a family member or somebody else.

So, I sat back and asked the questions, "Who, really, may benefit from these enzymes?"  and, "What are the top 20 key points that people need to know about why they may want to purchase these enzymes?”  And here are the top 20 points of interest. 

1.  Mothers looking after children.  (Health Canada requires you to consult with a healthcare practitioner if you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding before using BioClair Digestive Enzymes.)  The core reason for moms:  when moms are stressed out, running after/worrying for their children, it may interfere with their digestion.

2.  Athletes (professional, amateur and those who are just trying to keep fit in gyms on a regular basis) that are prone to eating fast foods and/or do not combine foods correctly.

3.  College and university students that experience anxiety prior to their tests/exams and/or handing in papers on time.  This causes many university students not to eat healthy.  (So buy this for your young adult kids.)

4.  Shiftworkers:  factory workers, doctors, nurses, hospital workers, police, fire-fighters, taxi drivers, bus drivers, pilots, chefs and restaurant workers, and all those individuals who work shiftwork that do not have a regular set time for meals and are forced at times not to eat healthy.  We truly believe that our BioClair Digestive Enzymes should be in every working place first-aid kit.

5.  Early childhood educators and teachers who work with children and/or with special needs children who are under enormous stress, bringing about digestive discomfort, particularly those who drink lots of coffee.

6.  Fathers/mothers, bond traders, air traffic controllers, surgeons, entertainers, lawyers, politicians, media personalities, journalists, sales people, auctioneers, social workers, first responders (paramedics, police, fire), fast food workers (i.e. McDonald’s, Tim Hortons), etc. who experience extreme levels of stress and experience their stomach in knots.

7.  Retirement, senior citizen homes, long-term care facility residents who have no control over what type of food they are served and/or who will also go through stress of missing their loved ones.

8.  Individuals who do not get a good night’s rest, that wake up with stomach discomfort.

9.  Individuals who have just gone through emotional or mental trauma that results in stomach discomfort and/or digestive discomfort.

10. Someone who has just lost a loved one, where their stomach is in knots and is experiencing emotional grief.

11. Someone who does not combine foods correctly on a regular basis.  It is best to combine foods by taking proteins with vegetables, taking starches with vegetables, not combining protein and starches (not eating meat with potatoes for example), not mixing oil and sugar together, having a low sodium diet, drinking less coffee, eating fruit by itself, giving time for your stomach to digest your main meal before having desert or even something to drink.

12. Professional athletes just prior to the main event.  This includes Olympic athletes, any ball players (baseball, football, soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc.) golfers, runners, skiiers, boxers, hockey players, weight lifters, race car drivers, etc. or anyone prone to pre-event and/or after-event stomach jitters.  These events come with a mixed array of emotions that could lead to digestive discomfort.  Also, the people who watch these events, who are eating fast foods and not combining foods correctly.

13. People who go on vacation, on cruises, to resorts, to foreign countries with different foods, spices, those who overeat and/or who mix too much wine/alcohol with their meals on vacation.  On a personal note, our enzymes really helped me on a cruise that I took.  The food was full of preservatives and really messed up my digestive system.  And I thanked God for these enzymes.

14. Those individuals who live in a very stressful family situation, where very little love is being expressed and where the lack of love may cause you to eat poorly and may cause you to experience emotional digestive stress.

15. Those who live in a blended family, or a family that has been broken up due to divorce or loss of a loved one, that experience a different level of mental and emotional stress, that can impair your digestive system.

16. Those individuals who have a diet high in spices/peppers/green peppers, sugar, dairy and/or bad fats that experience, from time to time, digestive discomfort.

17. Those individuals who travel daily to and from work for a long period of time, who take long trips by car, that may experience travel fatigue and/or fast food fatigue, causing some type of digestive imbalance, particularly those who travel to work, stressed out at other drivers or being late for work, having their coffee mixed with cream, not eating a healthy meal in the morning, for those individuals that may experience digestive discomfort by the time they get to work or the time they get home.

18. Those individuals who drink coffee on an empty stomach who may experience stomach discomfort from time to time.

19. Those individuals who have a sensitivity to dairy products, who may experience digestive discomfort from time to time.

20. Those individuals who eat a great deal of greasy food, who may experience digestive discomfort from time to time.

Health Canada has granted us a licence for Bioclair Digestive Enzymes for the following purposes:

  • Digestive Aid
  • Helps digest proteins
  • Helps prevent symptoms of lactose intolerance (including gas, bloating, cramping and diarrhea).
  • Helps reduce gas production/flatulence following a meal rich in fermentable carbohydrates (such as vegetables, pulses/legumes/beans and whole grains)
  • Helps prevent gastrointestinal intolerance of oligosaccharides/fermentable carbohydrates

Duration of Use:

  • For prolonged use, consult a health care practitioner.

Recommended Dose:

  • Adults: 1 - 4 Capsule(s) 3 time(s) per day
  • Take 1-4 capsules 3 times daily or as otherwise directed by a health care practitioner. Take with or immediately before food or a meal. Swallow whole, do not crush or chew.

Cautions and Warnings: If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have diabetes, a gastrointestinal lesion/ulcer, are taking an anticoagulant/blood thinner or an anti-inflammatory, or are having surgery, consult a health care practitioner prior to use. If symptoms persist or worsen, consult a health care practitioner.

Known Adverse Reactions: Headaches, heartburn, bloating and hypersensitivity (e.g. allergy) have been known to occur; in which case, discontinue use.

Our own, personal disclaimer: 

  • BioClair Digestive Enzymes are not intended to treat any chronic disease or to treat any disease at all.  They are simply to act as an aide to food digestion.
  • BioClair Digestive Enzymes are not intended to replace the advice of your healthcare professional.
  • BioClair Digestive Enzymes dosage is to be taken as described on the label, which is printed above.
  • BioClair Digestive Enzymes should not be taken with any other medications, including herbs and alcohol tinctures.
  • BioClair Digestive Enzymes should not be taken with acetaminophen.
  • BioClair Digestive Enzymes should not be taken with alcohol.
  • Taking acetaminophen or alcohol with the enzymes could potentially lead to heartburn or other unknown side effects.