
BioClair Digestive Enzymes: Why Take Them? Learn the science. They just may save your life or extend your life…

July 27, 2018 - 1:30pm

Good day to all of you.  I would like to welcome you to our website.  This discernment is an expansion of our previously posted article (July 25, 2018) and it is also as a result of the many written and video testimonies that we have received on our BioClair Digestive Enzymes product.  I felt I really needed to understand on a physical body chemical reaction level, what is actually going on to explain the many claims that have been made through the numerous testimonies.  Furthermore, a big surprise… The foods that we eat actually play an important role in triggering the body to manufacture minerals, vitamins, etc. to keep us healthy.

Let’s begin.  Firstly, this is a discernment made by me, Bryan Farnum, which has not been proven by science but I know one day, it will be.  Eventually the scientists around the world catch up to me and discover that what I am saying is true.  So, you really need to use your own intuition and your own guidance to determine whether or not BioClair Digestive Enzymes are for you.

It is not my intent to simply produce this article to generate income.  It is my intent to save many lives around the world, and extend peoples’ lives, and relieve many harsh digestive symptoms.  When we speak of the following discernment, we are assuming that overall, one is in good physical, genetic health.

Again, let’s begin.  By way of discernment, we know that the BioClair Digestive Enzymes have the potential ability to trigger the production of amylase (an enzyme), minerals, vitamins, and much more in our bodies.  


Mineral Trigger

Calcium.  Our BioClair Digestive Enzymes trigger the production of amylase in our body, which then triggers the production of calcium, which in turn triggers the production of vitamin K, which plays an important role in slowing down the aging process.  Next week, we are going to explain this on a deeper level.

Copper.  Our BioClair Digestive Enzymes trigger the production of amylase in the body, which then triggers the production of copper, which in turn triggers the production of vitamin P (flavonoids).  There are a lot of claims of what this does.  But I don’t feel comfortable with these claims.  For example, they say that vitamin P is anti-cancer.  This is not true.  So, I will expand on this next week. 

Potassium.  Our BioClair Digestive Enzymes trigger the production of amylase in the body, which then triggers the production of potassium, which in turn triggers the production of vitamin G (vitamin B2 or riboflavin).  Once again, there are many claims about this.  So, I will expand on this next week. 

Magnesium.  Our BioClair Digestive Enzymes trigger the production of amylase in the body, which then triggers the production of magnesium, which in turn triggers the production of vitamin H (vitamin B7 or biotin).  Again, I will discern this vitamin’s benefits next week. 

Selenium.  Our BioClair Digestive Enzymes trigger the production of amylase in the body, which then triggers the production of selenium, which in turn triggers the production of vitamin R.  I don’t understand this clearly.  We will get into this next week. 


What We Do Know

Amylase is the primary trigger for the production of minerals and vitamins in our digestive system.  Our BioClair Digestive Enzymes product can trigger your body to manufacture amylase.  Not everyone’s digestive system can produce amylase.  This needs to be further discerned/explored.

Amylase triggers calcium, then triggers vitamin K.  We agree that this mostly helps to digest fats.  We also know and agree that eating healthy fats plays an important role in staying young.  And we also know that if your body cannot absorb healthy fats, you will get a disease from it.  We will go further into this next week.

We do know that amylase triggers copper and then copper triggers vitamin P.  We know and agree that vitamin P mostly plays a key role in the digestion of sugars.  And once again, if your body cannot digest sugar, over time it will create health issues for you.  This is for next week.

We know that amylase triggers potassium and potassium triggers vitamin G.  We do know and agree that vitamin G plays a key role in the digestion of proteins.  Once again, if your body is not able to digest proteins, it will lead to a health issue.  This is also for next week.

We know that amylase can trigger magnesium and magnesium can trigger vitamin H.  This is mostly to digest starches.  We do know that if your physical body cannot digest starches, over time it will lead to a disease.  This is for next week.

We do know that amylase can trigger selenium which can trigger vitamin R.  This mostly helps in the digestion of green leafy vegetables/vegetables. And once again, if your physical body cannot digest these vegetables, over time it will lead to health issues. And once again, this is for next week.

Final comment:  over the next weeks to come, it is my intent to carefully discern on a deeper level the trigger mechanisms of amylase, the minerals and the vitamins. I would also like to go deeper to understand what diseases one can encounter when one is not able to digest/absorb certain foods.  

From personal experience, I know my focus has improved since taking the enzymes and that is partly explained by way of vitamin R. The vitamin R has allowed me to drive for longer periods of time on long road trips.  Many others have had a similar experience.  Not to mention, after drinking red wine—the aftershock of such an experience—I can trust the enzymes to help clear my head.  Not that this is a common thing.  But once a month is good enough for me.  And remember:  do not drink and drive.  

So, I plan to go deeper to try to understand all of this.  And oh yes, many who exercise claim that the enzymes help to reduce levels of lactic acid, which helps to remove their muscle soreness or even prevent muscle soreness.  So, I plan to go into this deeper on a scientific level.  And yes, how BioClair Digestive Enzymes work to help heartburn will be explained too.  

I have discerned, just minutes ago, that the BioClair Digestive Enzymes product is the best in the world and will always be the best in the world.  It’s all about that unique formulation and the incredible ingredients; something that is very unique that is supported by a patent.  Do not settle for second best.  Think about your health and go for the best.

See you next week Friday.



PS  Oh yes, this is the final word for today.  I have just discerned that in the last 100 years on this planet, taking enzymes, minerals, vitamins has not prevented anyone from getting cancer.  Once you understand the truth about how cancer comes into the body, which I will reveal to you soon, you will agree with me.


Purchase the enzymes here.