

Miss the Clarity broadcast? Now you can download the podcast!

What is podcasting?

Podcasting is a method of subscribing to audio files. If you subscribe to our podcast, each week's program will be automatically downloaded to your computer. You can copy it to your portable listening device (such as an iPod), or listen to it on your computer. Visit Wikipedia for a detailed explanation of podcasting.

How to subscribe to the podcast:

  1. Get a podcatcher. This is the program on your computer which keeps track of your subscribed podcasts, and downloads them for you.

    iTunes is the most common podcatcher. iTunes is a free program with an extensive library of podcasts to choose from.


    Juice is an open-source free podcast software. Juice lets users select and download shows and music and play whenever they want on their iPods, portable digital media players, or computers automatically. 

  2. Add the podcast to your podcatcher.
    • First right-click this link and select "Copy Shortcut" or "Save Link Location:"
    • For iTunes: Under the "Advanced" menu at the top of the screen, select "Subscribe to Podcast." Click in the box, paste the link (control-v) and click "Add."
    • For Juice: Under "Tools" select "Add a Feed." Paste in the URL and click "Save."
  3. Listen to the podcast, or copy it to your portable listening device (i.e. iPod).